New Supplier Registration - Step 1
Fields Marked (*) are Mandatory
Login id details
Login Id : *
Password :*
  • Minimum 8 characters are required for password
  • Password must comprise of Alphanumeric & Special characters
Confirm Password : *
Hint Question : *
Hint Answer : *
Company Details
Company Name : *
Address : *
Country : *
State : *
City : *
Phone (1) : *
Phone (2) :
Fax :
Email 1 * For Example :
WebSite :
Time Zone : *
Business Category Keywords: * Use (,) to seperate keywords i.e. Hand pump,Mobile etc.
Business Type : *
Manufacturer Government Trading Company/Agent Retailer
Buying Office Wholesaler Distributor/Wholesaler Importer
Agent Exporter Diversified Service
Contact person details
Prefix : *
Contact Person : *
Designation : *
Mobile No. :
Enter Verification Code:*

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I request and authorize e-Procurement Technologies Limited to contact me on my phone number/e-mail given above for this inquiry/transaction and thus such contacting is 'transactional' as per 'Telecom Regulation Authority of India' rules.

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